The annual ‘call to action day’ Neighbour Day is on the 31st of March 2024.

Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, encouraging people to connect with those who live in their neighbourhood.

Neighbour Day (an initiative of Relationships Australia) is a day when we’re encouraged to connect with, and celebrate the connections we have with the people who live in our neighbourhood. 

Relationships Australia National Executive Officer, Nick Tebbey states that “Recent research shows us that when people connect with their communities, they have a greater sense of belonging, which leads to improved mental well-being and a reduction in loneliness,”

The theme for Neighbour Day in 2024 is “Create Belonging – Share Belonging” – a call to action for everyone in Australia (individuals, community groups, business and governments) to take everyday actions that create social connection and build respectful relationships.

We can all work to create belonging: for ourselves, for our families and for our neighbours. We can share belonging by focusing on genuine inclusion and connection, making others welcome, and by challenging ourselves to connect through empathy and compassion.

Find more ideas and resources here or visit the Neighbour Day website.

2024 Neighbour Day Awards – Nominations are now open

Neighbour Day is the perfect opportunity to say thanks for being a great Neighbour and celebrate the positive impact that people who live in our neighbourhood have on our lives.

Visit Clarence City Council website for more information and to nominate a neighbour that deserves recognition.

Nominations close on Thursday 28 March 2024.