Profile: One Community Together

One Community TogetherTell us about the One Community Together. What do you do?

One Community Together is a partnership of residents, service providers and government organisations working in Clarence Plains (which includes Rokeby, Clarendon Vale, Oakdowns and Glebe Hill). The partnership is focused on building a safer community that is welcoming, attractive and passionate about the future. The partnership has been operating for around 3 years and is tackling the issue of safety through work on:

  • Community Life – together we are building hope, reward good things that people do, are working to have welcoming people and signage, are good role models.
  • Community Spaces – together we are working to clean up rubbish, get better lighting, build safe road crossings, fix the laneways, make nicer public spaces.
  • Activities & Services – together we look into activities for kids & adults, art & sports projects, school holiday fun, gardens, support programs.
  • Employment and Education – together we look into training, new skills, work experience opportunities, a local skills register, local enterprise.

How does your organisation operate? How does someone go about accessing your services?

There is a Steering Committee that guides the project and a number of teams that work on a range of creative ideas to create change. People are welcome to get involved in the teams and groups that interest them. The best way to contact is through the website:

If you could give one health and wellbeing tip, what would it be?

Give things a go that interest you. Have a try and see what happens! The first thing may not work out, but the next thing you try could be the best thing you ever do. The little things that people do can make a huge difference to their friends, family and community.

How can we improve health and wellbeing in our city?

Bit by bit, if everyone does one thing that they care about and keeps trying and sticking at it, we make Clarence a better place. One Community Together are doing this by cleaning up rubbish, smiling and waving at people as they cross paths, and thanking each other for the good things people do. Kindness and effort make a huge difference to the community.

Finally, where is One Community Together located, what’s the contact phone number and email address?

If you live or work in Clarence Plains please get involved. Find us on Facebook or on the website:

Or call Liz on 62179596.